
June 12, 2013

There’s a bunch of good stuff in the is presentation by Chris Hunt: Impressive Ruby Productivity with Vim and Tmux. I want to implement most of what he’s doing.

Let’s start small.

Gist-Vim is vim plugin that can post the file you’re editing to with one simple command. It has every other feature you might want regarding gists.

Installation using Vundle is fairly straightforward. The instructions are in the README. I made the mistake of attempting to run :BundleInstall while still editing my .vimrc.bundles. Turns out, you need to close and reopen vim to run :BundleInstall.

I might want to make it post the gist to my employer’s github enterprise installation. To do so, just modify github.apiurl in ~/.gitconfig (implementation). I could also run let g:github_api_url = 'http://your-github-enterprise-domain/api/v3' within vim, as documented here.

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I'm a software developer focusing on Rails applications. Follow me on Twitter.